How can I feed my family?

“a day in the life of an average Venezuelan…”

I am Manuel, I work in a supply house that sells electrical products and accessories.  At the end of 2016 I was earning the equivalent of $30 a month.   Along with my wife we were able to barely buy food for our two children.

Unfortunately, between January 2017 and July the strong Bolivar (Venezuelan currency) has depreciated 60%.   As of August 18 the strong Bolivar had depreciated 78%.  I have received salary increases; however, my effective income has reduced by 50% and now I barely make approximately  $15 a month.

A trip to buy groceries meas taking the day off, standing in line for many hours, often as long as eight hours.  At times, even after a long wait we are unable to buy what we were looking for since it has sold out.  

If I buy what we need to go by for a week I spend close to $11, 75% of my salary.  As a result, I am unable to buy meat, chicken, coffee, and other luxuries.  We can only buy the basic.  I have not bought any cloth in months, maybe years.  I don’t have a car, and I doubt I will be able to buy one in my lifetime.





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