People for Venezuela

Elections held, government won the majority of positions
Thousands of Venezuelans are migrating to other countries  
An exodus never seen in Venezuela’s history  

After months of demonstrations much of the momentum has faded.  
The government set-up a constituent assembly and eliminated the democratically-elected national assembly (congress).  

Sadly, Venezuelans are now leaving in masses.  There is no hope, at least for now…

140 days of protests

131 deaths

Millions starving

On currency depreciation

On currency depreciation

Since 2010 the Venezuelan bolivar has depreciated more than 230,000%. In 2008 you could buy a car for BsF. 8,000;...

How did we get here?

How did we get here?

For as long as I have memory Venezuela’s economy  has struggled…   While getting by was tough Venezuelans always had...

How poor are we?

How poor are we?

Venezuela’s population as of 2017 is approximately 32 million people.   The World Bank estimates that 33% lives in poverty....

How can I feed my family?

How can I feed my family?

“a day in the life of an average Venezuelan…” I am Manuel, I work in a supply house that sells...